August 28, 2010

Renn Fayre: Call for photos!

photo credit: Suntiger
I recently got a hankering to look at photos from my college's end of year celebration, Renn Fayre, commonly (and aptly) described as a three day bacchanal, slightly different each year because students come up with new projects and build new structures. One of my favorite traditions is the ball drop, wherein thousands of bouncy balls are dropped from the top of a paved hill. And the whole thing starts on the friday of Renn Fayre with the thesis parade, pictured above: all the graduating seniors burn their thesis notes in a huge bonfire and then parade through the library and over to the President's office to shake his hand. There are fireworks, confetti, giant paper mache pieces, champagne, drums, nudity, glitter, and dancing, and the party keeps going all weekend.
But! In looking at these photos on Flickr, I realized that I have almost zero pictures from Reed, and no pictures of myself at Renn Fayre. If you are reading this and happen to have a photo of me from then, would you please send me a copy? I will love you forever. I especially want a picture of me in the lizard bikini I wore one renn fayre; the top had a lizard head and the bottom a long tail, and the whole thing was as glittery and shiny as a Ziggy Stardust getup. A great thing to show the grandkids someday, right?